Before the start of the congress

In order to ensure optimal delivery of your presentation, please stick to the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Prepare your PowerPoint presentation in a 16:9 format with a 1280 x 720 minimum resolution
  • The presentations whey will be displayed from a PC with Windows 7 and PowerPoint 2016.
  • Personal laptop computers cannot be connected to the projectors in the Auditorium
  • The only logos allowed are those referring to your affiliation.
  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint version: type .pptx - for optimal rendering please use the official slide set template.
  • Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG). Make sure that the inserted images have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
  • As a general rule, you should not present more than 3 slides. Visual material supports your lecture and should not be the transcription of it.
  • To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (i.e. ", Ö, Ø, ñ, ®, ý, }, { etc)
  • Video: All videos must be embedded in your presentation. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files.
  • Declaration of interest: The existence of potential conflicts of interest does not necessarily indicate a bias. However, it is our ethical obligation to inform participants so that they are made aware of any relationship that might cause unintentional bias. A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship etc. This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation. Therefore, please declare any possible conflict of interest on your first slide. Even if only to confirm that you have no conflicts of interest to declare.
  • Please note that you can enter "notes" in your Powerpoint Presentation, as you will be able to view these from the lectern display (speaker view only)
  • If your presentation has been made on a Mac computer, we recommend you ONLY provide a Windows-compatible file. Please give your filename an extension “pptx” (Preferred version: PowerPoint 2016). Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win7) before you send it.
  • The name of the PPT file should just contain your name, e.g. Johnson; longer names will complicate uploading to server and website.

Send your PowerPoint presentation via WeTransfer to the before Friday, 30 June 2023 , 12:00 CEST.

Upon arrival at the congress

After picking up your congress materials and badge at the registration desk, report yourself to the moderator and technician in the Auditorium, 30 minutes before the start of your session, in order to check if your slides has been formatted correctly by the audio-visual team. 

At the time of your presentation

  • Keep in mind that the first language of many in your audience is not English.Speak slowly and clearly. Speak loud enough and close to the microphone.
  • Choose simple, commonly understood language as opposed to technical terms whenever possible.
  • Unless instructed otherwise by the chair of your session, prepare your talk from a global, rather than a national perspective.
  • Avoid acronyms – e.g. say “World Health Organization” instead of “WHO”. Avoid slang, idioms and jargon. Those outside the language or national group rarely understand them.
  • Use generic names of medicines (and avoid branded names or any form of advertisement).
  • We recommend that you do not read from your manuscript.
  • Do not exceed the allocated presentation time. We suggest you keep your presentation 30 seconds shorter than requested in order to allow time for audience interaction.
  • Don’t forget to conclude your presentation with a few “take-home” messages to say what should be kept in mind by participants and could apply to their practice.
  • It is important to engage with the audience, in order to provide them with the best learning opportunity. Make a one-minute pause during your presentation to ask the audience a question related to the content or facts from your presentation or reflection (e.g. “Based on what you have just heard in my presentation, raise your hands if you think this fact is true”) or to give the audience an opportunity to think about the presented information. Giving the audience the opportunity to learn and remember your presenta­tion will make your session of even greater value.

Sharing on social media

Any photography, filming, taping, recording or reproduction in any medium of any of the programme sessions, events, exhibits and/or posters presented at the FIP congress without the express written consent of FIP is strictly forbidden. FIP may record and broadcast your activity at its meetings and reserves the rights to all recordings, reproductions or presentations, unless otherwise indicated by yourself when registering as a speaker.

FIP operates an open social-media policy. If any content in your presentation is not to be disseminated outside the walls of the meeting room, you should specifically state this at the beginning of or at the appropriate points of your presentation.

Please feel free to share information, ideas, thoughts and your reflections from this meeting through social media.  If you don’t already do so, we encourage you to follow FIP on social media

Should you like to Tweet about the meeting, we recommend the following hashtags: 




Wishing you a successful presentation!

© Copyright 2023 International Pharmaceutical Federation