The size of the poster boards will be 1.80 meter high x 0.90 meters wide,
It has been shown that text in capital letters takes 10% more time to be read than lower case text; so your title will be more easily read if it is in lower case.
Choose a large font size for the poster's title, author and company; not less than 72 point.
A poster should be easily readable from a distance of 1 or 2 meters. Therefore, your font size should not be less than 16 points.
Avoid fonts that mimic hand writing or are difficult to read. Arial or Times New Roman are usually a good choice. Use the chosen font throughout your poster: don't mix up different fonts on your poster text.
To facilitate reading, double-line space and justify all the text. The shorter and the simpler the sentences are, the easier your poster will be to read.
Important parts of the text may be highlighted using different colors. Major colors that are easily readable are:
Allocate a specific color to the subtitles within the poster so that they will be better distinguished from the text.
Print your poster
A poster printed on one single large sheet is recommended.
Displaying your poster
Think of your poster as a valuable piece of knowledge. Do not leave it unattended when travelling. Time slots for hanging up, being present and taking down your poster will be published on the congress website. Necessary materials for hanging your poster will be available in the poster area.
Maximise impact
It is recommended that you produce handouts (maximum of two A4 pages) of your poster. Enable people to contact you, for example, by putting an envelope below your poster for interested individuals to leave their business card if they are not able to meet you at the poster exhibition.
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